Nijemi dječak trčkarao oko Pape i osvojio simpatije hodočasnika


Nijemi dječačić koji je u srijedu tijekom opće audijencije umaknuo majci te trčao po podiju ispred Pape i biskupa Georga Gansweina, uspio je za ruku povući i pripadnika Švicarske garde te osvojio simpatije prisutnih.

Dječak je uspio proći sve sigurnosne prepreke, no za njim je na podij istrčala majka nastojeći ga odvući natrag u publiku te pritom kazala Papi da su porijeklom iz Argentine.

Sveti Otac kazao joj je da pusti sina da nastavi trčkarati po podiju, a potom se uz smiješak približio biskupu Gansweinu te mu tiho rekao: “Argentinac je. Oni su nedisciplinirani.”

Potom je ozbiljno nastavio: “Ovaj dječak ne može govoriti. Nijem je. No u stanju je komunicirati. On komunicira.”

“I zbog nečega me potaknuo na razmišljanje: ovaj dječak je slobodan…, nedisciplinirano slobodan”, dodao je, izazvavši smijeh prisutnih hodočasnika.

“Zapitao sam se jesam li i ja tako slobodan pred Bogom. Jer Isus je od nas tražio da budemo slobodni poput djece. Zatražimo milost Božju da se ovome dječaku vrati dar govora”, dodao je Sveti Otac.

A boy held by his mother reacts during the general audience led by Pope Francis at Paul VI hall at the Vatican, November 28, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi
A child that escaped from his mother touches a member of the Swiss guard during the general audience led by Pope Francis at Paul VI hall at the Vatican, November 28, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi
A child that escaped from his mother touches a member of Swiss guard during the general audience led by Pope Francis at Paul VI hall at the Vatican, November 28, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
A child that escaped from his mother stands behind a member of Swiss guard during the general audience led by Pope Francis at Paul VI hall at the Vatican, November 28, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi
A child that escaped from his mother stands behind a member of Swiss guard during the general audience led by Pope Francis at Paul VI hall at the Vatican, November 28, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi
A child that escaped from his mother reacts during the general audience led by Pope Francis at Paul VI hall at the Vatican, November 28, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi
A child that escaped from his mother touches a member of Swiss guard during the general audience led by Pope Francis at Paul VI hall at the Vatican, November 28, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi
A child that escaped from his mother runs during the general audience led by Pope Francis at Paul VI hall at the Vatican, November 28, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi